Put Your Feet Up

work out- rat! (Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2004)

The internet wasn�t really working that well, and that�s why I haven�t written here at all. And Because lately I feel like I�m not really talking to anyone anyway.. I feel like I am talking to myself. And my whole life consists of obsessing about my weight and then puking puking puking... and no one wants to hear about that.
Ive been ULTRA sressed out about my boyfriend coming home.. he gets back from deployment in about 2 weeks.and the eating disorder gets completly 100 percent worse... Its how ive always delt with stress.
Lately I will write Sam something.. And then a few days later I get an email back,, but its not a response to my email.. it�s a completely different subject. He doesnt get good internet out in the middle of a typhoon, so its not his fault that he cant write more consistently. I�m tired of writing stupid emails to him about my boring life over here anyway.
Its been raining a lot over here lately, just dumping everywhere actually.. And flooding everything out. So every time I go to the gym. Its super packed with people� because no one can run outside� everyone is inside�. I keep running into the same people working out at the same time�. (I usually work out instead of eating lunch.)
And today I was running for about a half hour.. And I was almost through�I was trying to figure out if I had time to run like 5 more minutes.. Or if I needed to hurry up and shower to make it back to work�that�s when the guys next to me on the treadmill were looking up into the rafters and pointing� that�s when I saw this big ASS RAT!!. It was running through the rafters.. And was about to scurry over my head. The thing was probably a foot long. I jumped off the treadmill.. that�s when I decided it was a good time to end my workout. Soo nasty. The thing was HUGE� about a foot long-and probably weighed about 2 lbs� but i guess it was the most interesting thing thats happened today.
Im gonna go to bed now�. Its like 10:00 pm and im here alone.. The beast is at his dad�s house�.and I cant really sleep today for some reason. I�ve got a swollen throat,, and it makes me wake up constantly to cough�Its sucky! Probably from stress though...

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