Put Your Feet Up

broken (Monday, Nov. 29, 2004)

My boyfriend Samuel and I broke up pretty much right after he got back. I already knew that It wasn�t everything I had dreamed of, But I was trying to see it to completion and trying to let him prove himself- to see if he had the energy to make it work.. But to make a long story short, the relationship wasn�t going anywhere, and Hunter wasn�t happy either. I guess the hardest part is I�m missing out on the companionship, and the friendship. I decided to not speak to him for a while, to make the relationship a clean break, and then maybe later we can be friends again� I�m not mad at him.. Its just that I want to divide a definite line between our dating and being friends. Its just really hard.

Whats weird- is that within 2 days of us being broken up, my ex boyfriend Robert is telling me that he wants to get back together, and he wont mess it up this time. (he and I broke up like 2 weeks before I started seeing Samuel) and Rob�s been asking me for the last year if I was still with Sam . He wants to pick up where we left off at last summer,. We broke up, because Rob was insecure about the fact that I was cute, had a lot of friends and he was afraid I was going to cheat on him�.( His wife had cheated on him after only 12 days of marriage) I realized that HE had issues to work out and that had nothing to do with me� so we just became friends�.and that�s how things have stood for the last year�.

He�s the MA2 I was dating. He�s like blond 6-4 and 215.. So He�s a big guy. Weve both been in a few of the same Play productions together� and he and I both love Kareoke and singing in the car.. He�s better than me�.. He has 2 motorcycles and a truck, and he�s taken me for little rides,, its pretty fun, but im still not going on the freeway just yet. He�s really supportive of me wanting to go to swing dancing, I find it a fun way to relax. We will see if I can get him to go.

I don�t know its not really perfect timing, but right now were just talking and going to take it slow and see what happens. I�m just really skeptical, because we�ve dated before,, but I would like to give him a chance- he seems really sincere.

I also believe that it Is helping me keep my mind off of Sam- and I know that�s kind of bad to jump from one thing to the next, but I�m not In love with Sam, and I don�t feel like I really miss him, I just miss the friendship, and I can find that anywhere�

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