Put Your Feet Up

letter to teacher (Monday, Aug. 16, 2004)

Heres a letter that i had to write Hunter's teacher about his strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes i dont write a lot about huntie, but i thought those of you out there would like to read about him also... enjoy!

Dear Ms. Cuff,

Here is a note about my son Hunter Jackson. His birthday is June 10 1996; and he was born in an army hospital in Fort Bragg North Carolina, he lives with me pretty much all of the time, but his father Randel Jackson, does live nearby in lakeside, so the rest of his extended family (including grandparents) are close by...

Hunter enjoys playing computer games, but he LOVES swimming. He would never get out of the water if didn�t make him. He even loves taking a bath. I never have to ask him twice! He loves to try to dive and retrieve things from the bottom of the pool. His nickname at home is BEAST. It comes from his middle name Bain, but we started calling him Hunter bean and it progressed into Beast. He also loves to pretend he is a ghost named GAA- BAA- and sometimes he won�t listen to me unless I refer to him by his �ghost name�. ( come on Gaa-Baa- its time to brush our teeth now... ) he is very funny and has a sarcastic sense of humor.

He loves to eat broccoli, apples and bananas, chicken and Spanish rice. He is also a big water drinker...He has this thing about eating healthy so he can grow up BIG. He gets mad if I ever offer him something for dinner that could be considered junkfood.. He�s very funny.

He had a kidney surgery in the first grade, he never had any problems and then one day he complained of pain, so we took him to the doctor, and his kidney on the left side was failing, his ureter was twisted up, but they repaired it- he had been in the hospital for about a week, and missed a few weeks of school. But it doesn�t give him any problems now. He�s as healthy as any other kid.

Hunter is a pretty good reader, and he is better at math than me! He usually tries to write very fast though, and his work sometimes looks sloppy, because he always rushes to finish...I can hardly ever get him to slow down! He has a very good memory though, and can remember incidents and conversations word for word sometimes. He always enjoys the dance programs that Murray Manor puts on and always seems to end up in the front and in the middle, because he never forgets the steps.

One of Hunter�s strengths is that he likes to succeed and do a good job-and he enjoys helping out! But if he feels like he is failing at something, he will give up immediately and get very depressed. He seems to have a �Need to Succeed�. He is a very thoughtful child, and is always kind to others. He can sometimes be very sensitive and get his feelings hurt though. He loves to talk in class too!

I hope you will enjoy having Hunter in your class this year, he seems to really be excited about your class.

Thanks again,


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