Put Your Feet Up

sunday boring update (Sunday, Jul. 25, 2004)

Well its Sunday here, and i'm just sitting here in my green robe.. that my Sammy gave me..and i guess.... YUP! its inside out....HA!

My friend Brian wrote me back and said he works in Camp Zama Japan..I dont know if its close to the base where Sam is at...

He also said that I look pretty GAY with braces on! When i met that dude in seventh grade, he was rocking the braces and had a major FRO...so yesterday he sent me this picture of himself.. he has really curly brown hair .. like early justin timberlake or some shit..... and he has it plastered up in the front like that scene in "something about mary" He's the funniest dude ever... But im gonna come up with a comeback for him- because he said i look gay!

Oh my friend Eddy from the ship..is home here right now... He called me yesterday and we talked for a while and stuff about relationships... whatever.. I told him about whathappened when Sam was home... It sounds like he needed to come home for a break too, But he and i will probably get together before he leaves on Thursday...so we can have lunch .

Well I went apartment hunting again yesterday... I did find a nice place that has 2 openings in the end of august.... the only thing is the price... Its 1290.. and thats 415$ more than i am paying now... I know i could swing it.. but then i could never afford to go out to eat or buy anything...EVER.... Blah Im really stuck.. I dont know what i should do.... My only other option is to get anothr place in el cajon.... I can still find 2 bdr that are 900 a month.. Oh well I..will keep you posted.

Hunter is so funny.. you know he always had that problem playing zoo tycoon, and the dinosaurs would trample all the plants... He figured out if you put them in a big cluster,, and then barricade them all around with all of the rocks that you have to put in the exibit.. then they cant get to them at all... but the dinosaurs are still happy... He also figured out that if you make a pond and bring the sides up.. that you can drop fat people into it.. and they will swim around and get tired and eventually drown. Ive seen him kill like 12 people at once... Amazingly enough he didnt lose any zoo ratings or awards over it, and they havent closed him down yet. hehe funny

Well not much going on here....I tossed a few more bags of toys and stuff away Yesterday.... Went and got my nails done....then i went and looked at another apartment-( the apartment looked promising) and finally I went to my dad's house and did laundry while Hunter swam in the pool for like 4 hours....I figured he needed the excercise....

Kellan and his friend Chuck swam with Hunter for like an hour.... I used to babysit Chuck a long time ago..when he was about 5 or something... which would have made me 15 or 16.... Now this kid is a senior in high school and over 200 lbs... Plus he has a beard and crazy sideburns.... Its just crazy that i used to babysit him... makes me feel old...I got the boys some burritos from del taco......Well yesterday they were tossing Hunter into the air and he would crash down in the pool.. Hunter had a good time...

Well he didnt want to come home... he wanted to stay and play with Amanda.. my step sister.. I figured that was cool.. It would give me a break.... So I came home and watched TV.. but i couldnt sleep, so believe it or not i think i was up until like 1am... I was watching forensic files and stories about haunted houses... so its no wonder im scared and cant sleep i guess.. ha! Since i was awake last night i wanted to take a bunch of stuff out to the trash, but i was too scared to be walking outside back and forth at night..

I guess im going to run over to get some boxes from home depot...Then i can start boxing stuff up... thats the only real plan i have for today....other than getting some more Mountian dew... That the 2 important things I have going for today....Well I have to go back and get Hunter from my dad's house at about 3pm...and we are having a dinner over there... But nothing else exciting...

Except that I am going to take a day off in the middle of next week to play hooky from work and go hang out with my buddy David.. YAY

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