Put Your Feet Up

apartment ramblings (Sunday, May. 30, 2004)

Whats up? Oh im feeling 100 % better today...I was having intense pain on my right ovaries, which im just going to chalk it up to starting taking the pill again. It was hurting every time i took a breath though.

Just another boring sunday here trying to clean as usual, but im making a lot more progress. Today im just making piles of trash, Cleaned out the old dishes and stuff from the kitchen cabinets, that im not using anymore, and the craft cabinet, Cleaning out old coloring books and stuff that isnt ever going to be missed.

Im taking a break, not because im tired, but because i ran out of trash bags. haha Its hard to throw stuff away... and not too much fun. I wish i had someone else here to help carry out all the heavy shit.

I dont think i told you, but i actually got to go look at that apartment. Inside the place, they have light brown walls, not white, and it looked really nice.they had nice carpet too.It had 2 full bathrooms, one had a tub/shower- and the other bathWas just a shower.

they have Reserved covered parking 1 space per apt, but i looked around and there was twice as many free spaces right there, so there was no problem parking.

Inside the closet in all the apartments- the washer/dryer included (stackable). I guess that was the nicest part about it. Basically its the only apartment i could find that had them standard in every unit. they also had fitness room. It looked really nice.

It was right by the Amaya Trolley station though. I asked the rental manager about it, he said they never have problems because of the trolley.and he said its a really quiet apartments, and they have a security that drives around all the time. When i looked around it was super quiet, and everyone seemed to have nicer cars there so it didnt look too trashy and nobody was hanging around looking homeless if you know what i mean.

I guess the only thing that sucks is that its farther away than Sam was used to driving to work. I dont want to hear his mouth about the commute or anything really.The square footage was like 955 or something, and thats about average, which seems pretty small compared to my place now. Basically there are other apartments which are in point loma that have the same SQ footage or bigger for the same price.

I guess we just have to figure if a washer and dryer is worth that drive i mean-,Mariner's Cove has 3 BDR for 1550. Then we could have a room for computer shit. The way i figure it, We have way too much computer Shit.

I guess i will just give it some thought.

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