Put Your Feet Up

weekend update about the wedding (Monday, May. 24, 2004)

On Friday I went to go to the La Mesa library to get a card and check out some books.

They told me that I still had an active account that I first signed up for in 1986. Ha-ha well actually my parents signed up for me. I would have been 11 yrs old. I guess the last time I checked a book out was in 1994. Hilarious.

Well duty on Friday night was OK. I ended up standing that barracks watch with the same guy I stood it last time with. So at least I knew him -he's easy to talk to and I knew he wasn�t a weirdo or something.

It was just another duty day. Nothing special. I just have to rove once an hour through the 4 floors of the barracks, checking the laundry rooms and TV lounges on each floor to make sure nothing crazy is going on, and mostly make sure no one is smoking in the ladder wells and that the outside doors to the halls aren�t being left propped open. I guess they have had a bunch of problems with people wedging pennies in the door mechanism- leaving the outside door propped open because they don�t feel like using the key card or whatever. Repeat every hour for 8 hours.....

So ive got this wedding on Saturday at El Monte Park and I didn�t have to be there until about noon. I'm just helping out Gail because she's got some crazy kidney thing going on to and her back is out. She was supposed to stay for the whole thing but she has another wedding a little later.. And I thought I would just have to stay for cutting the cake and stuff so Gail can leave early. It wasn�t going to be a big deal. Well they had a whole bunch of little rituals and mini ceremonies that went on FOREVER.. Some ribbon tying ceremonies and a fertility maypole even!

Other than that fun event- the only thing I did this weekend was �.I�m just trying to get stuff cleaned up (as usual) for my Saturday chores. I started cleaning out the downstairs closet and got rid of 3 boxes and the massive Christmas tree, which is like the size of 3 more so far. I�m trying to get some stuff together and hopefully I will have the energy to go hit the swap meet again on Sunday morning next week and sell this shit. I have about 6 boxes of stuff to take there too...

I�m at home this morning and I just got hunter to school. He went to the zoo today and wanted me to go with him on his fieldtrip... but I can�t just go and show up. He was crying last night. I think the real reason that he wanted me to go is because his friend Gilbert is in another group- they separate them into groups of 4...and Hunter is with 2 girls, and he feels left out.

I was tired of arguing with him this morning and I almost didn�t care if he went to school at all. So we finally get him to school and I get back home and I found the lunch on the table that I made for him. It was totally my fault too- so I had to drive all the way back over there to the school. BLAH! He was fine after he got there. I heard some little kid say, "Is that your mom? She's pretty!'' HA HA Some second grader thinks I am hot.

I promised him I would go with him to see SHREK tomorrow to make up for not being with him today. I just signed up too late after they had enough parents going already.

I was supposed to meet with Gail the photographer today at the office. I�m supposed to go over the photos from last weeks wedding.. and she was supposed to pay me for working�She never showed up. Even though she told me she would be there about 9, I got there at 10:30 and waited till 11am and then went home. I called back an hour later and she still wasn�t there.

I wonder what happened. I hate that shit.

At least if I had to work or her this weekend I feel like I should have been paid- or at least she should have called me and let me know if she was to sick to show up�. So I didn�t have to drive all the way over there�

gas is 2.26 $ gallon for the cheap shit! I can�t be wasting it!

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