Put Your Feet Up

power out (Tuesday, May. 18, 2004)

My sister got a dog and she brought it by... she hasn�t named it yet, but its a pure bred male wiener dog.400 $ har har maybe she will name it Oscar- Oscar Meyer wiener... anyway Allison says she wants a dog because she is always alone.... Aaron her husband is always gone... So is my boyfriend too. He always leaves me alone. I guess I can get a present for myself now too.

I'm sunburned as shit.... I dove in once but the pressure hurt my ears...Hunter never wants to get out of the pool so I�m pretty sunburned... It�s BAD! It doesn�t hurt yet but I am sure it will later. I guess we were there like 3 hrs. He's still white..

I got up at 2:30 this morning, I was having some trouble sleeping, so I went to check my email, of course no one had emailed me, in the middle of the night and stuff. I went back to bed and I woke up later and realized it was getting a little light outside, and I looked over at the clock and I realized all the power was out.

I found a flashlight and got dressed and brushed my teeth like that. Hunter couldn�t see the toilet so he peed on the seat; not realizing it was down still. BLAH I will have to clean that when I get home. I just hope the food didn�t go bad in the fridge. I didn�t open it so the cold air that was in there might last a little longer.

I saw a lady in the parking lot and she said everyone�s power was out. I bet people were late for work. HE HE

One good thing was that the streetlight that usually meters everyone very slowly on to the freeway was out because of the outage, And YOU CANNOT TURN ON RED. Since the light wasn�t red or green- so we could just stop real quick and go. Ha ha. Took me 8 min less at that stupid light. I even had time to stop and get the Beast a donut at 7-11.

Well I guess I should go- i'm the only one here at the office right now, and I have a few things to do.

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