Put Your Feet Up

friday plans& update about the condo situation (Friday, Apr. 30, 2004)

woke up in the middle of the night about midnight and realized that i never heard from Sam yesterday.(he was feeling sick)I had a hard time going back to sleep,so i went to see if he had emailed me,,, And about 30 min later there was someone who kept banging on the front door of the people who live next to me, making it sound like its at MY front door. and that went on for about 20 min before they stopped. so i was too scared to go to sleep.

Well today is friday here, and i got the day off because i have to work on saturday and sunday... Also our chief believes that there is too many people in the office again, 3 is a lot? and he's giving one of us the day off every day he can spare it.

He believes that if someone comes in our office looking for a missing CASREP part, and they see 5 people looking at stuff on the computer, then somethings wrong. So if they knock our office down to 2 people there a day(besides the LPO and chief) then if something like that happens they can say we are undermanned for the day. The only thing is, we have to be quiet about having the day off. Other divisions will cry about it i guess.

So i think i'm going to go to TOYS R US today to get a present for Rach's son Gavin's birthday, which is tomorrow. This should be exciting.

Well I went and looked at a condo yesterday with Rach's dad Brian. It was almost exactly identical layout to the one i'm in now. They had beautiful marble counter tops in the bathrooms and even Stainless steel appliances in the kitchen. The only thing is, as of this morning they have only 2 left that i would even consider buying.(one faces the backside of another complex and it has the lovely view of someones balcony covered in bikes and trash to look at. ) The pool was very small, and i just didnt get a feeling that i could want to live there for a long period of time. Brian said that condo's in the area are going fast and while we were there, they sold one to someone that came. They just came on the market 2 days ago and there all gone. Probably by the time i filled out a credit application it would be too late. I dont care too much.

Ive got to go look through my pictures in a bit, the last wedding that i did , well the bride likes my pictures and wanted my negatives to make more reprints. So ive got to find them and go drop them off at the photography studio today too. Ive been lagging the past few days about looking for them.

Maybe if i have time i'm going to go down to the child support enforcement place and see what i can do to get my paperwork started.

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