Put Your Feet Up

child support court case (Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004)

Well here�s the update from my child support court case yesterday.

I go there and get to the court house at 1:30 pm, and I realize that the place is packed, and so when I get a seat in the court room, I have to sit right next to people without leaving a security space in between. At first I was sitting next to a huge fat woman who was having a hard time breathing without sounding like she was gasping for her last breath.

That woman got up, and then I sat next to an old guy, probably close to sixty, with slightly long , graying hair, mustache, the whole thing. So I whispered to him � how long does this court stay open?� because there were at least 40 cases to be held and some people were saying it would be 5 minutes, but were going up to 30 min and basically taking up every body�s time. He scribbled back on the back of an envelope he had, that he wasn�t sure, but he guessed about 4:30 or 5 at the latest. ( we aren�t allowed to whisper in court) There was one woman that went back into court to get half of her ex husbands raise in his pension, for a cost of living allowance which amounted to 11 dollars. The man had argued that he had a rent increase of 25 dollars . She had a lawyer and they argued about that for 30 min. She got her 11 bucks though. So basically this guy cant even pay his rent increase. I wonder how much she paid for that lawyer.!

So at about 4:30 pm the court cases are going on and on, and I tell the old guy next to me, Dean that I�m not sure they are going to get to all the cases. There�s still a room full of people waiting and I�m not sure how close they are to getting to mine. The judge puts everyone on a 10 min recess, and after we come back the next 2 cases take 1 hour between them. I�m getting really frustrated, because I�m thinking now I�m going to have to come back another day because they aren�t going to get to my case.

Just then that old guy Dean, who ive been talking to, slips me his buisiness card with his phone number on it, asking me to dinner or just to talk sometime,, hahahah what an old figgy.

Just then at 4:45 they call my last name. We go up to the tables, and I am the defendant, because Randy is the one who originally divorced me, I am forever the defendant. He has no paperwork with him by the way. (just thought he could get by on his good looks I guess) I cant believe he wouldn�t even bring a copy of the divorce decree!

I sit up in my chair with perfect posture, not even leaning back against it. Meanwhile; Randy is leaning back in his chair with his arms draped over the armrests, and rocking back and forth , very casual looking. The judge doesn�t say anything at first, because he is scanning over the court documents to see what the court history is between us. I cannot believe Randy is Reclining back in this chair??!! OMG! He has No Home Training!

The judge asks him why he hadn�t filed a response to my allegations of non payment of child support, and Randy said I�m not sure what you are asking? You can tell that Randy has no F-ing clue that he was even supposed to. The judge explains that he needed to file a response so that the court has an idea of his position on what I am alleging. (why is he not paying child support?)

Randy (still rocking in the chair) explains that some weeks he has hunter more than he is supposed to, and doesn�t believe he has to pay child support when he�s at his house. He also NEVER responds to the judge as �your honor� when he is speaking to him. The judge explains that that doesn�t NEGATE his obligation to pay. I don�t think he understands the words, �NEGATE or obligation � hehe

Randy explains that he pays all of the child daycare, and I tell the judge that in my calculations, we have already deducted the 1600 dollars that he has paid to the childcare. I have also paid 600 dollars to this date, and I have all of the corresponding receipts. The judge tells me that he already noticed this in the paperwork.

He tells Randy that he needs to make childcare payments , and still needs to pay half of the childcare, according to state law, theres nothing he can do to change that. Then the judge said, I find for the defendant (me) in the amount of 7164 dollars. And I said �thank you your honor .� because I remember my manners.

So basically THE EX looked like a total dirt bag in court. I�m sure I will never see all that money but oh well. Maybe I can find a way to garnish his wages. I just got to figure out how.

What a fucking loser.!!!

That�s my story for today,,, oh if you haven�t checked it out, please look at my virtual model in my previous entry. Its fun stuff.!!

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