Put Your Feet Up

stupid boss story (Friday, Apr. 02, 2004)

Remember when I complained last week about my stupid boss, Well I found a funny website� http://www.iworkwithfools.com you can read all about other people�s lame ass bosses.

Well some people may not understand this job, but I work in a building where I order maintenance parts for the respective workshops here so that aircrafts can be repaired. When a part hasn�t come in, or is backordered, something may not be able to be repaired- and there�s a �hole in a plane �somewhere.

Well we had a situation the other day where a repair part for a plane was ordered- and the wrong item was shipped. Basically the repair shop is waiting a week for the part, and then a completely wrong thing comes in. So then the missing part has to be returned and the needed part is RE-ordered again. And they are even farther behind schedule.

Well our office has to fill out a report a ROD- report of discrepancy, containing what part was needed- what was shipped, ETC. then the paperwork has to be signed, and I have to drive the paperwork, and the part, over to a shipping warehouse and drop it all off. This could all be accomplished in 1 hour.

Even though this part was a HOT item, they were more interested in making me do it. I guess they needed someone to supervise� We are not busy in this office; the Internet surfing is allowed, so there weren�t exactly piles of paper in their inboxes holding them up from getting to it.

Apparently my supervisor decided to save the job of typing up the �ROD� for 4 days because I am the new guy here and they wanted �to make sure� that I knew how to do it. (I was working nights and not here during the day this whole week) The �Training� on how to type up the �ROD� consisted of handing me the folder containing previously typed documents and telling me to �copy it exactly�. Not exactly brain surgery� And making the people who want their part, wait days and days� and the paperwork is very precise, fill in certain blocks of info with codes..� And the comments section is very informal, so you can write sentences explaining in plain English, Explaining why this is the wrong part. blah blah�etc.

My boss comes over after I typed up the whole thing and wants me to Re- do the whole comments section, so that it is in HIS EXACT WORDING. This really bothers me because its like being micro managed. Nothing that I wrote was WRONG; he just didn�t type it. It makes me wonder why they don�t type it themselves if they don�t like my wording.

Just after I finished the paperwork, the repair shop came over to complain and ask what was taking so long to get this paperwork finished? I told the guy in frank, plain English that they had saved the work for me until I got back to working days again, and I had just finished it. I didn�t want to lie- and say we were too busy.. I was just tired of the whole fiasco�. Well my boss called me into his office and Said the real reason they wanted to wait on the paperwork was so that there didn�t have to be multiple trips made to the warehouse etc.. All of this doesn�t make sense, it is complete BS. We go to the Warehouse 4 times a day anyway� I think he was just mad that I had basically ratted on the Boss�s and now our customer might complain to his superior and get our shop in trouble.. I don�t care� its not like I can be fired. I�m in the navy!

Some of the other guys here in the office are 2nd classes, one rank above me, take exception to the fact that this guy I will call Mr. Jollygut, is the supervisor. He laughs after every sentence, whenever he says something like �I�m not going to help you guys carry boxes, I AM THE SUPERVISOR! Ha he ha ah! � Sort of like saying,, I�m going to laugh at the end of my sentence in the hopes that everyone will think I�m being sarcastic and not just a jerk!

At our store we have recently gotten a new manager Mr. Jollygut that does nothing. With our old managers angel and Earl, they would help out whenever needed, we are a smaller staffed office so everyone is usually needed for something. Our new manager refuses to help. All he says is, �Why should I? I am the supervisor!� And then he laughs his little jolly laugh as to diffuse the tension from his rude boss comment. This makes Angel and Earl mad because they are the same rank as Mr. Jollygut, and Angel was the supervisor the week before. They only traded because Jollygut complained that he didn�t have a good evaluation paper and needed some �supervisor experience� to plump it up.

So anyway that�s my rude story from yesterday� The joke is now� whenever we say something rude, we try to interject a little maniacal laugh at the end- basically we are mocking Mr. Jollygut. Its becoming a favorite joke around here.

Yesterday the guys were leaving to go work out and leave me in the office, and I said �what about meee! Hahaha� and the guys almost fell down laughing.

Well I don�t know if I�m actually doing anything today, I was supposed to go with Rach and stuff this Friday to a jewelry party, but I talked to her this week for a miniute on Tuesday and she never returned my call after that. She told me she would call right back, because she was busy at work, but never did, and I would rather sit home alone and clean and read , than to call somebody up and see if I�m still invited to go with them. Oh well,

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