Put Your Feet Up

144 - petra eddy and fran (Wednesday, Mar. 17, 2004)

Well i ran into my friend Fran yesterday when I was at the gym, in the locker room, and I ran into Petra when I was leaving. I haven�t seen either of them since that going away party we had at the Italian place. It was good to see them again... too bad Petra is leaving -boo hoo. The workout was good; the only thing is the place was really busy. The weather here is still pretty good. I guess everyone wants to be ready for beach weather.

An old friend named Eddy emailed me from my old ship, I guess Sammy gave him my email.... that�s cool,(he's the one that had a crush on me since i was on the ship, but before he knew Sam was my boyfriend)He ws a little cold to Sam for a while... and I actually mailed him a little card snail mail the same day I mailed Sam's package.... just to say hi... I will write him back in a min. (tell him to spy on Sammy for me) It will probably take forever to get there though. Maybe the letter will be faster than the package, because it wont have to be screened as much for bombs and anthrax for shipping.

I'm so hyper today from all these pills vie been taking, Hyper and running my mouth too much. I�ve lost like 5 lbs already --ha-ha!!!One more since yesterday I'm convinced some of it is water weight but we will see...I guess one of the ingredients is a nontoxic, indigestible, water-based gel. It is not absorbed by the digestive system, but acts to create a sensation of fullness while it is within the stomach and reduces the desire to overeat. (There�s actually a warning on the label to make sure you drink enough water, because the shit can swell up in your esophagus and choke you, if you don�t swallow it down all the way.) I'm so full after I take the pills i've had to force myself to eat dinner the last 2 days, so I wouldn�t wake up in the middle of the night starving.

It also assists the metabolism in converting carbohydrates into energy while also affecting the sense of taste and appetite, resulting in less food intake and weight loss. There�s no Ephedra in it though. I guess that�s a good thing because you know I�m addicted to carbs.!! I was so excited the other day when I found my favorite cereal (basic 4)was on sale at Target. it was 2 $ cheaper a box... I swear cereal can get me so excited.. I love that shit.

I don�t know what I�m going to do about the crazy working hours.. it should settle down once we get some more people... I guess we have 2 more people coming in June...a 3d class and a SN so then I can push them around.... ha -ahaa! both are guys I guess. It�s going to be really hard to stay up that late...Till 11:00!! I guess I can surf the internet all the time i'm there at work though...

Well I should go.. I'm supposed to be working right now typing up some paperwork!

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