Put Your Feet Up

A Big Fat Joke (Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003)

Still updating today, I know�. But I�ve got a lot to say. Too bad I don�t type faster. On Monday we had the day off because of the fires, the boyfriend and I went to my house so I could gather up some fresh clothes and my photos because the fires are still close. We went out to eat at Chili�s; my favorite place. I feel like I�m eating the whole world this weekend. I need to get on a new bingeing / purging cycle and fast. The only thing open was the movies so we went to see Texas chainsaw massacre. I really had Zero interest in seeing it. None. Zilch.

Well it was gross, and nasty. But I saw it to make him happy. Amazing how we will do that huh? I sat there with my mouth covered most of the movie. He kept his arms around me though because he could tell I was scared. TheBoyfriend got a little Perturbed that I refer to him as �TheBoyfriend� surreptitiously in my diary, so he remains anonymous�I was like �baby.. I put it in capital letters though�.! �I guess we will call him Sam from now on.

We got back to his house and his brother Sunny and Gabby came over. Gabby actually talked to me while the guys were in the bedroom looking at swords on E-bay. She told me about her parents and a little about her life. I didn�t know she had cancer. Some stuff she told me, she hadn�t even told the guys. The Boyfriend seemed pleased that we were going to get them food together and we had a conversation. In previously mentioned diary episodes I mentioned she never even looks at me. I guess all is well know. She was probably just shy.

Well today is Wednesday, and we are underway for the last time. Ever! The Coronado will be no more. Also�. Today I guess the secret is out about The Boyfriend and I. All the little work buddies were telling me � Hey Deck says hi! � every time I walk past. (Deck is his last name�) One guy stopped to tell me he was jealous, and later Glenn was talking to me�.and he said something about the boyfriend and I, so I said� � Well --I guess you guy�s figured our little secret out�� (the boyfriend�s work buddies) And Glenn said, � Figured it out? Nah-- you should have heard Deck telling us all about it in the armory� and with that he walked off laughing to himself. I was so instantly mad!

I want to give Sam A.K.A TheBoyfriend the benefit of the doubt that he wasn�t sitting there telling all of our intimate moments and re-playing them for his buddies. But, I don�t know. It sure sounds that way. I was so mad about it - I ran twice as long on the treadmill today. I was talking to a friend Earvin next to me on the treadmill and he said that it is a good thing that I�m willing to wait to hear from Sam, whether or not he was joking our relationship up with his buddies. He said that it seems as though maybe it�s an exaggeration from that guy Glenn, or a misunderstanding. I know that when I am with Sam I am cared for and taken care of. I don�t doubt that. I won�t really get a chance to talk to him until Friday at least, to figure the truth out, so that�s 3 days of wondering. It just really hurts right now that everyone thinks our relationship is a big, dirty joke. And it hurts to think he is telling sea stories to all of his friends about our sex life. The things I do with him and for him are because I care for him. Not so that he can impress his friends with his sexcapades. Sigh. I�ll keep you updated diary�.

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