Put Your Feet Up

mouse in my house (Monday, Oct. 20, 2003)

well for all of you wishing me luck on getting to the movies with the girls,, it didnt happen. And Rach never called back. Im going to be too busy this wekend going to Disneyland to do the movie thing. It's sad that we had planned this weeks in advance and it still didnt happen. blah.

I had a scary thing happen on saturday night. as i was going to toss some chicken nuggets into the Microwave for Hunter, a mouse ran under the open door and wizzed under my arm, and jumped off the counter. I screamed bloody fucking murder. I ran into the living room and jumped on top of the coffee table. Hunter asked me if i had burned myself, because i was still holding the damn plate.

Well I was so scared to sleep that night, I wedged towels up against the door of my bedroom, and on sunday morning we went to Denny's for breakfast. (i am not cooking there again until he's gone) Then we went to Home depot and got some posion and some traps. I set up the traps with Peanut butter, and put the posion blocks outside on the patio and into a suspicious rat hole. sometime last night, the blocks got dragged away. Die fucker's die!

On Sunday i drank 3 soda's and now i have a bladder infection again.I spent a lot of the night in the tub and on the toilet peeing about 50 times talking to my boyfriend. apparently our relationship has reached and all time low.. hahaha!!! I am so done with soda. I'm mad.

Well today at lunch instead of going for my run, I went to the boyfriend's house for some booty. yeah! damn its so good.I know that no one wants to hear that either but damn.Im starting to feel so close to him and its scaring me that he's going to just wake up and leave me. I really like him, he's a great guy. even if he wont take me to the christmas party. Blah!

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