Put Your Feet Up

I wont compete... (Friday, Oct. 10, 2003)

Hah! Didn�t go underway�.this boat is a piece of shit. And there are power in rumors, because everyone was wishing that we wouldn�t go, and the tug boat people heard it and never came to pull us out to sea,, haha they totally believed the rumors.!!!!

So here I sit on a Friday night typing in my diary. I should go to bed soon because I do have a watch at 4 am tomorrow�.but here�s the recap from last night.

I�m on the phone with The Boyfriend last night and he�s like are you going to come over�. So I was joking around and I said.. Well -- ill give you a call IF I decide to come over�. And he�s like WHAT? And I start laughing.. And I said of course I�m coming over�. But in the back ground I can hear him typing his ass off on the computer ,, and he was being a lot less talkative because obviously he�s trying to carry on 2 conversations simultaneously so I was like who are you typing to? And he said�oh somebody�.. And instantly I�m mad because I feel like he�s being evasive.

So I�m really ready to get off the phone because I�m peeved, and I said �well obviously your being MR Talkative.. So ill let you go so I can finish getting my stuff ready for tomorrow� and I am in such a bad mood that I was trying to talk myself out of it�. Like why am I so mad? He has a life and he is allowed to have friends, I should stop assuming stuff and being so jealous. So I listen to some of my favorite music, and get in a better mood. Then I realize I probably need caffine chocolate or something, so I got ready and left the house..AND that�s when I noticed it was a full moon. Weird moon making me crazy!!!

I call him on the phone, and his twin brother Sonny is tying to be all smart and answers his phone. He is mocking me I can hear people laughing in the background�and because I�m still all mad from earlier, I just don�t feel like playing games and I hang up on him. So I�m like if THE BOYFRIEND doesn�t call me back pretty soon I�m going to turn the car around and go home.. Because I�m in a bad mood and its not looking any better..

But he does call back. So I guess they are at a restaurant and he wanted me to come meet them there. I really felt stupid and didn�t want to go. I was about to say that I wasn�t going to come, but I was being a butthead. I just don�t like to walk into some restaurant I�ve never been to, and have to search around and look for him, only to meet people I don�t know, and I�m afraid they wont like me. So I finally find it, and they are the only ones in the place so they aren�t hard to find. And I sit down with them and he puts his arm around me and I feel better. It was really trippy to be looking across the table at Sonny and he looks like Sammy and does the same facial expressions. At first I though he was staring at me. Is it wrong to think TheBoyfriend�s twin is cute? I�m thinking the answer is no! ha ha

The only thing that was weird was that I think Gabby was very quiet. I don�t know if she was just shy or didn�t feel like blabbing in front of a new person, but of course I�m thinking it was directed at me. I felt dumb. When I talked to TheBoyfriend about it he said that maybe she was intimidated by me or felt weird in front of someone new. I hope she didn�t hate me.

So we go home and of course the usual mind blowing shit happens� mmm and he is getting rougher�Hair pulling�.anyway I was almost crying at one point, because sometimes I have a hard time telling anger from passion, but that�s just my dumb problem, not his, and I�m not bothering him with it�.

The only thing that sucks was this morning at 5am someone was calling. And he got up and looked at the phone and didn�t answer it. Which is weird because this is the second time that has happened. I bet it�s a friend from somewhere else who always calls at 5 am because that�s when he can be gotten a hold of on the phone. I swear I can�t sleep after that shit happens. Next time it does, I�m getting up and leaving without a word I swear. Then he can talk freely. Blah I don�t feel like competing with anybody, and I wont. I just hate feeling like second place.

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