Put Your Feet Up

Ari's got a boyfriend.. SAN FRAN?? (Monday, Oct. 06, 2003)

Lets see if theres anything from the weekend to report..hmmm

We got back from an underway last week on Thursday and I was writing emails back and forth like a conversation to The Boy� I asked him what he was doing later .. He said,,�Of course I'm glad we're going home. This is the best part about going out to sea. Not sure what I'm gonna be doing today. Hopefully something that involves my new girlfriend.� So The Boy has become The Boyfriend.. yay. Good -I�m glad he said it first. Relieves the part where I have to worry about the �friends vs. Boyfriend status�

When we are hanging out I feel like his girlfriend. I can�t really explain it, but we do cuddle and hold hands a lot. When we sleep, we are all intertwined. Usually that bothers me to sleep like that, but I�m trying to be nice, and the only time it bothers me is when I�m trying to roll over�that�s a nice change from sleeping at home alone a lot.

He wanted me to come over and take care of him, so we watched the movie Snatch, and I had brought him Orange juice because he�s sick. So he lay in my lap and I played with his hair till he fell asleep. Too bad I have really bad insomnia and I was up all night, and when I slept I was having nightmares about The boyfriend making me think a dead shark carcass was swimming up and attacking me�weird I wonder what that�s all about. Probably came from this video game we were playing. It was nice to be able to stay over so much. I�ve gotta take care of him so he doesn�t dump me. Hehe Then I can still come over and play hehehe

We didn�t get underway today because the boilers are broken, and maybe cant be repaired till tomorrow. Maybe ill get to spend the night again. I�m sure he won�t care�. But that means I don�t really know what�s up for San Fran. We don�t even know if we are leaving yet.. or what day.. So that�s better because it�s so damn cold up there and nothing to do anyway, except eat and hike up steep hills. And host the stupid parties for 3RD fleet.

Sola is supposed to read my diary and see if she can find out who my secret boyfriend is.. Ill give you a hint Sola! He�s an RPPO hahaha any guesses yet?

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