Put Your Feet Up

im a big meanie (Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003)

I wrote an entry the other day about the day I spent the night at Samuel�s house and saved it on a disk so I could complete it, and now its not working... so either I will forget about posting it, or I will post it later,, which means its out of sequence or whatever.

So last night I�m leaving work and I saw David Eddy leaving work, so we walk together out to our cars. I kind of made a joke about how the people on the bus were watching us, and now rumors were going to start about us being together. He has seemed really down lately and I�ve kept asking what�s wrong..but he and I haven�t got the chance to talk. The other day I was asleep when he called. So I tell him that I�m going to call him later on when I get home.

When we finally talk late last night, he starts off by saying that he doesn�t want me to get mad. Then he said that last weekend when I made plans with someone else, it really hurt his feelings because .. �Well I�ve never told anyone this over the phone, but I have a crush on you.� I kind of knew that was coming. He told me that above anything else he knew that even though he liked me , he values our friendship more, and really wants to be friends.

Last weekend I had made other plans because it looked like nobody was going to call, and I would be stuck without having anything to do for the second weekend in a row.

So basically his bad mood was because he was pissed off at me all week. But then he started to feel like an ass about it because every time I would walk by him I was friendly, and say hello and he was giving me the cold shoulder. I just though he was in a bad mood about his Ex girlfriend. I�m very perceptive --Duh!!!

So anyway we hashed it all out and its all better now, but I couldn�t tell him that I was seeing anyone else. Its still a big secret. Even the girls don�t know.

I don�t know what to do. I really never have anyone like me -but when it rains ;it pours I guess�.

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