Put Your Feet Up

clumbsy me and no birthday (Tuesday, Sept. 02, 2003)

today i went home from work, and because my car was filthy, i decided to get it washed. I got it wasnhed at one of those 13.99$ places that vaccums your carpet and does windows and everything. my car came through, and being as dirty as it was the guy tells me that they have to run it through again, to get all the bird shit and bug blood off of it. I kind of laughed, and they drove it through again. there was a girl sitting close by and she said i hope it doesnt rain! and right then i saw lighning strike! it was really weird.

I get hunter from school and sure enough it starts raining, and i guess raining wasnt the correct term, it was pouring. It didnt even make me mad to waste the price i paid on the car wash because it was so beautiful. But in the 4 miles i had to drive home I saw 3 seperate accidents. I swear people cannot drive.

I forgot to mention this but yesterday i broke 2 things, a wall mirror and a tea cup. i wonder what kind of bad luck i will have now.

The girls were talking about France again...Petra saw tickets for 400$. We will just have to see when we can all go. im good to go whenever, and i have the money saved already, woo hoo. this is going to be spectacular.

I mentioned the other day that Someone from work Im-ed me and it was kind of unexpected. we basically spent the whole weekend on the computer together. There was one time he mentioned....

samuel: how long have we been sitting here talking?

ariankemp: umm

samuel: like 3 hours huh?

samuel: and we're not in love yet?

ariankemp: haha

yeah i have really good comebacks...yet i wonder what the deal is...hmm ill keep you updated

Down note, the underway next week was postponed a day, so now i will be underway for my birthday, and this is the third year in a row that my birthday was ruined. I dont think anyone will want to have a Bbq or anything now that the whole weekend is destroyed. we will see though. oh well im only going to be 28, not 8.

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