Put Your Feet Up

ice breaker-casa picante' (Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003)

I went to my reunion icebreaker thingie at ths resturaunt called Casa Picante' last night. I was nervous all day- and starting to second think the whole idea of going. The only thing I kept thinking was that if I was feeling stupid and having a horrible time- I could always leave. and I knew that jessica mathews- a girl I was friends with would be there so I would have one friendly face.

I wore some tight brown pinstripe pants and a low black v neck with ribbon shoulder ties. I wore my hair down and straight...

When I got there everyone was so nice- and it was so much fun to catch up. most of the girls seemed to have put on some weight- and a lot of people didnt recognize me- or they thought I looked familiar- but couldnt figure out who i was.

One guy that HATED me in high school for no reason was there- Vince and he used to torture me by making a comment TO me - or ABOUT me every 2 miniutes in our english class.. he didnt even remember any of that. He even told me that he thought i looked hot now- and i was really floored- its stuff I would never have thought I would hear. Plus im standing there talking to George Modlin who is MR. Alpha male ; ASB president in high school, lawyer now- and he said you look so great now! and asked a lot about my brother. It felt so good to be noticed- and feel so beautiful.

There was a really bad looking drag queen-at the resturaunt- wearing a purple mini dress and glowing green fishnets tights (not from my grad class though-) and everyone got a good laugh. I tried to look up its skirt- to see and we were all staring and laughing histerically- while she-he gyrated on the dance floor..

I got to catch up with almost everybody. Hopefully more people will go tonight to the formal thing at the Bali hai resturaunt. Now im not feeling so nervous and stupid about going tonight.

One thing i have to say is that i was so worried people wouldnt like me or want to talk to me now. and I was wrong. I think everyone should go to at least 1 reunion. We were all so young that we didnt realize the bad things we did to each other or we made people feel.

I feel healed a little.

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