Put Your Feet Up

should i ? (Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003)

Yesterday I was at home, preparing for another weekend of cleaning, and my ex husband's wife called me.

She wanted to know if hunter wanted to go with them to the beach. She started in with "well it was supposed to be OUR weekend anyways..." but here�s the thing- they never call my house and ask to talk to hunter - or anything.. They take off on holidays to the desert, like Easter and don�t even ask if hunter wants to see them, or see if I had to work or anything... (I did) so she mentions that one reason randy never calls is because I never keep track of who's weekend it is and I KEEP Hunter all the time. Shit that�s such a cop out. I would like to do whatever I wanted on the weekend, and have an occasional day off.

So they come get him, and my sister Aubrie comes over to retrieve a video game that Hunter borrowed from her husband Aaron. Then we go to Target to return stuff that she got for the wedding. It was a huge fiasco.

The return policy sucks, and they wont let you exchange something to Target if you have already done so in the past 6 months. That�s bogus because she was exchanging gifts she got from her wedding, and of course she didn�t have the receipts because they were gifts. The cashier manager lady was a bitch.

We got the situation all figured out but her Husband Aaron kept calling and accusing her of shopping all over the store and wasting time...so rude. I seriously saw that he called her 6 times in the first 10 minutes we were in the store.then she turned her phone to SILENT and I�m sure he called after that for the next hour we were in the store. Blah.. That�s exactly what I don�t want in a relationship.

So last night I get home and there's a call from Cody. He's a guy friend of mine who's stationed here, and even though we�ve joked about sex and hooking up- we haven�t. Not that I don�t think he's cute or anything... he is cute. AND funny. And a good guy. Its just that were both going through a time in our life where we are both lonely- and I wouldn�t mind hooking up with him, and not being in a relationship- but I don�t want to lose him as a friend.plus there�s the fact that if I hooked up with him, I would want it again and again.

So we are laughing about it last night on the phone, and he's home in Texas right now. He was like why not? And I told him because I�m scared.. So he said; "we can leave the lights off-"and I started laughing-because that�s not what I meant. I meant I was scared to lose a friend. We�ve known each other for a year and a half now. I�m sort of at a crossroads about it. I would really like to hang out with him more.. I don�t know I guess I will just see what happens.

He did offer to come with me to my reunion, all I have to do is let him know this week. I don�t know if I will- but he�s such a sweet guy to offer- especially since I have an extra ticket now that my ex-boyfriend stopped talking to me AFTER I purchased the tickets. Cody is so nice.

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