Put Your Feet Up

last day (Tuesday, Aug. 05, 2003)

Today they said someone stole the Admirals laptop...so they freaking started to search all the berthings...they didn�t get very far but they found it.. .! when they were looking for it.. All the officers were running around with their brick phones...and I was standing in the main chow line..Getting some pasta.... And the cmc goes to rush past me,,to do something when the laptop was still being located.. And he fucking shoves me...right into the metal rails. !!!!! I couldn�t believe it,, what a fat ass bastard....even people were like.. What�s his fucking problem....???

Hmm whatever.... So they found these two guys.. One stole it and then tried to sell it to another guy�they are going to be in so much trouble.. The laptop has top secret information in it�BUSTED i am sure they wouldnt have let us off this boat tommorrow, without it being found..

My brother's wife had her baby yesterday....8-lbs 2-oz and they named her Grace ann. how cute..... I can�t wait to see some pictures� I hate being out to sea and missing everything�

Dimarucut is getting on my nerves..He actually expected me to take all the trash by myself- 5 bags of it�and he actually hit me with a broom today in the leg.. God I hate that.. There is the whole.. Treat others how you want to be treated.. But sometimes when people have lived there whole lives in third world countries,, there�s no accounting for manners..

I guess the biggest thing on my mind has been that Cab told me that he heard someone talking about my ass. Or better yet, lack of an ass. I recently lost 20 lbs and the general consensus is that it looks like someone pushed my ass in. Whatever- this comment from a Mexican who looks like a treasure troll. The one with the mowhawk- yes those.

Dorks. Nobody looks appealing in military uniforms�

i just get mad when people talk about my body..

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