Put Your Feet Up

sunday slacker (Sunday, Jul. 13, 2003)

well its sunday,, and im sitting at home trying to tie up all lose ends of my apartment before i go out to sea for the week. boring; but a -MUST DO-

I really wanted to stay home today and meditate.. and i have....i even took a bath and did my toes and straightened my hair....im even feeling as cute as to rate myself a "9" right now....i just havent even ventured outside.. i know it will get looks and i dont feel like dealing with it right now...even though i feel 10 feet tall...

I really hope i get to hang out with Roberttoday.. that would really change my opinion of where this relationship is heading...either building back up.. or straight down the toilet...and i really would like to call Cody.. a guy friend who got back in town... but i feel like i need to focus on Robert just for a while to see where this is going... and im sure it wont take long before the whole thing comes into the light.My friendship with Cody isnt going anywhere.. i just dont want to sit home again and ponder where my relationship is going.... instead of having laughs with a friend... I just know if Robert thought i was hanging out wth Cody that automatically we might be "Doing Something" and im really trying not to piss him off right now....

I guess Cody will have to wait.. im sure he's busy anyway though....

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