Put Your Feet Up

scallywag (Friday, Jul. 11, 2003)

Italked to Rob on the phone today.. and it was one of the first times that we talked and just laughed a lot...in a while.. i asked him if he wanted to hang out this weekend maybe...and since we both have to work saturday...BLAH.. he said maybe on sunday....I really want to because im going to be out to sea all next week and there's no social life there....i dont want to get my hopes up- but i havent seen him in a week now.

Chris and i went to see Pirates of the carrribean last night....He's my old work buddy.. but its not a date.. he's married and has 3 kids.... we have been super close for like 4 years...

Any who that movie comes highly recommended by me. Hunter my son didnt want to go and he does this thing where he kicks his shoes off to go flying past your head or out into the parking lot as it were....i hate it.. he always acts up.. he never wants to go anywhere... and consequently i have no life...its a good thing Chris has three boys, because hunter was really acting up.. but eventually he liked it.. he seemed to be paying attention the whole time.

This morning i go to get him out of the car and he's half asleep ,, and he opens one eye and calls me a "Scallywag". so i guess The little shoe kicker liked it after all.

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