Put Your Feet Up

cry (Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003)

yesterday i didnt do much...i did skip out of work early.. we were supposed to stay because the ship's engines were lit off.. for fire fighting purposes.. in case an emergengy happened. But i left early... i had to take this guy Cab i work with to the airport and we left at 3pm but apparently we should have stayed until 5:20 at night. that would have been too late for me to even pick up my kid from daycare.!!!

so i go home and end up talking to my dad on the phone for a while...he's got this internet radio show he's planning. and Frankly i think its going to be a bust. He wanted me to help do his web page... im not good at that stuff. its like a Christian radio talk show..but on the internet....

I dont know why but i am really at the point in my life where i feel a Huge hole... a huge void... and i dont know what i want to fill it with.

I feel as though i dont even have any real true friends lately...and i am so bored for some adult conversation that i want to scream.so im talking to my dad and i just break down....i guess i needed the cry.

I did get a weird phone call last night from Jessica matthews , a girl who i went to high school with....she and i were in the fat girls club. of course she was a lot bigger than me.. but she ended up having gastric bypass surgery. It looks as though the 10 year reunion might not happen.. there havent been enough people to even cover the cost of the reunion site... our class was so lazy. it was interesting to catch up with her though.... apparently im one of the only people that doesnt have like 3 kids and is married. he he

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