Put Your Feet Up

134- yeah kidney infection! (Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003)

you know whats weird..? ive been more happy at work this week even though work has been exeptionally challenging.. the whole WHO STOLE THE COOKIE FROM THE COOKIE JAR THINGIE...

Ive been really hyper... yesterday Sola and i were mad about being accused of theft... so we kept singing all these songs about stealing..Jane's Addiction- been caught stealing...and michael jackson's smooth criminal.

actually thats what im listening to right now... it puts me into the best mood. and Micheal is a FREAK!

I still dont get this whole Robert thing... and im afraid to ask... i think hes just under a lot of stress with the whole work situation and money situation...... and he's been working super stupid hours.. and got his gun taken away till he finishes his court stuff...so they give him office bitch stuff to do.

I really want to spend some one on one time with him laughing...like we usually do... who knows if i will have any time... i will be working every single day for like 2 and a half weeks..

oh .. since its been hot and ive been feeling shitty...ive lost 2 pounds.. he he.. im below 135 for the first time in like nine years... yeah eating disorder! GO kidney infection!" I cant stand the suspense!.... I hope it lasts..."- willy wonka

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