Put Your Feet Up

pass the whine (Sunday, Feb. 02, 2003)

Well, I just got back from helping my sister finalize her wedding invites�how long does it take to pick an ink and a font?? I guess when I get married again�ill care too. I almost cant believe she put that cheesy poem on there �today I will marry my best friend..the one I live for love and laugh with blah blah..someone pass the crackers! because There�s a lot of cheese over here! And WINE TOO she was complaining because she didn�t like the ideas I picked out for her bridal shower but last time I checked she doesn�t get to plan it�and she was like that doesn�t go with my wedding theme..and im like the shower doesn�t have to match the wedding they aren�t on the same day�and I can pick out the invitations and make them square if I wanna because im paying for them and the more expensive postage�and if I wanna give out fortune cookies I will�it doesn�t matter if you are having an asian wedding..They are cute and I like em�what a bridal beast. Its just a party..i might not even be there to throw it any way,,going on deployment and all.. give me something to do..!!

Well Allison got me to say I would come over and hang out with Patrick at their house next weekend�hes cute I just felt so stupid when I met him that I figured he wouldn�t like me.. I mean he saw me in my pajamas�twice!! for god sakes. And I had no idea he was 32.. I thought 24 or something�semmed nice enough.. im just feeling so damn ugly these days I just don�t know why I try to look nice .. I should just forget about it and stop paying money for fake nails and let my unibrow grow in for god sakes� let nature take its course� ugly beyotch

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