Put Your Feet Up

He pisses me off -- and thanksgiving (Wednesday, Dec. 03, 2003)

well thats a picture of sammy and I. WELL.. actually just the EYE. I dont want to exploit him all over diaryland.Not yet anyway. Its our first picture together ever. We took the picture by holding the camera out and pointing it back at ourselves. Thats probably why my eyes look so crazy.

He makes me so upset this week. First I was upset becase my new highlights didnt turn out the way i wanted. I was just not used to how chunky and un-natural they looked.But thats the trendy style.And I told him over the phone that I was upset about it and didnt want to talk about it. Then I said "I may not have time to come by your house today before I pick up hunter from school because it's getting so late." so Sammy said, "good, I dont want to be seen out in public with anyone with messed up hair". I just replied "NO, I wouldnt want to subject you to THAT!" He was just kidding, but it was a sensitive subject, and I was still so upset about my hair. god I was so mad. I just told him I didnt want to talk on the phone anymore and got off. After about 20 min. he showed up to make it up to me. I was still upset about my hair, but he said i looked cute, and that the lighter hair made me look not so pale. It was true, but sometimes guys are so insensitive.

Also today he pissed me off because he won't go to the get-together my friends and I are having because it's a going away party for us all. He said he doesnt like clubs, but ive seen him out at clubs in a few Ports weve hit like Canada and Mazatlan. I feel like he doesnt like my friends (he already know them)and doesnt want to be seen with me. I just feel tired of the excuses, and im tired of being alone. PERIOD! But im still gonna go and he can sit home and play video games on a friday night by himself while i'm shaking my ass at the club. He said he has "social anxiety" but this is the first time he's mentioned it. Im sure he just heard that off of t.v. I take meds for that disorder and im going out. SHEESH! Then he was saying (snotty inflection in his voice )"all right I will go and meet your friends at Rachael's x-mas partee next week, and say HI- IM ARIANS BOYFRIEND ... NICE TO MEET-CHA!"

RUDE- i'm not taking his ass anywhere. scrooge

I havent written in about a week. I went to Utah land of mormons for Thanksgiving. It was the first time i had ever driven that far and it was scary. On the way up there i hit a patch of ice and was skidding out in my car doing about 70. Thats when i noticed a few crunched up cars off the road in a ditch. So thats when i got really scared. I made it there and in not too bad time either. Not much to say about the trip except i went up there to hold my brother's new baby and thats what i did. Grace is an absolute angel. She's the baby that was almost killed about 2 months or so, when her brother sat on her. Keegan is a handful, but a fun kid. he's got a great laugh. It was neat to get to know Carrie, my sister in law a lot better.

They had a party for a cousin's get together on the friday after turkey day. we had a baked potato bar thingie, and we all just sat around and talked while the kids tore up the playroom. My aunt Joy played the beautiful grand piano too. That was the first time I realized my family is not like everyone elses. people dont sit around at family stuff and play concerto's. They drink beer and argue. but it was nice though. beats staying home like last year.

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