Put Your Feet Up

it hurts (Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003)

Boring boring- day. I�ve been stuck here at work for the second day in a row with absolutely nothing to do. And I mean nothing. Nobody has come to deliver supplies, and no�one has come to the door for any questions. SO WHY CANT WE GO HOME! I don�t know. There are 2 of us third classes here and everyone else is gone. The 2 first classes have been running around for 2 weeks doing some initiation stuff � on leave etc. Even our boss is gone and there�s no one in charge of us. I am pretty much in charge. So I say lets go.!!! These are the things that really burn me up. So I have been sitting here all day with my head down on the desk and there�s no one here to tell me not to.

So I went to medical yesterday again for the same bladder thing. I peed in a cup there, and its still hurting and got these little white floaty thingies Never good! So then they sent me to NTC and they made me PEE again in 3 more cups and they took 3 things of blood too. So I get the results back today, and there�s some RARE bacteria- some cool Mucus! -plus low blood sugar- and blood in my urine. And they haven�t gotten back all of the results yet. I�VE BEEN TELLING THEM THIS! So now I�m all stressed out because I am supposed to run tomorrow and I don�t see how I can physically. I limp when I walk.my bladder is burning. I FEEL LIKE A WALKING DISEASE.! An old boyfriend called wanting to take me out -looking for some sex probably too. And I cant. I am too dirty!! And he was the bomb too.

I got invited to go to Franchesca�s house today for a dinner party and everyone is going to be there. Jen, Dan and this other girl named Maria and now I don�t feel like going because of her. For the second time in 2 days she has made some comment about how I am too thin and I need to eat- or that my bladder has issues because I don�t eat- and right there in front of her was a chicken salad I had brought in for lunch. I was like, � do you think I am going to just stare at this salad for my health?, I AM going to eat it!� and today the comment was �why are you wearing make up?� Blah so basically I am going to not go because I don�t want to deal with hearing stuff from her mouth. She has a very nasal tone too. whine whine whine.

Wish me luck on figuring out what I am going to do about my bladder and that run.

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