Put Your Feet Up

i have no grace.. (Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003)

interesting thing happened today,i got a call from a friend at work, Dave saying that he didnt want to bug me at work because he knew i was busy, but he needed some Arian advice.

I sort of have a secret crush on him.He is a really quiet guy, but oh so sweet.he came to visit me at lunch,and when i was talking to him, he started off with well theres this girl i am sort of involved in. and im like what??! because we talk all the time.. and i thought i was his pretend girlfriend, and im like a little jealous...

he tells me about their problems, about how she and he had a open relationship,and they are roomates, and they arent technically boyfriend/girlfriend,, but all of the activities they do together say other wise cuddling, trips etc.. and today she has a date with someone else and he was all messed up by it. poor thing, but i got a flash in my mind that if i didnt actually know this girl, then he would say her name- and say chrissy this, or crissy and i that-

and i got mad because i figured out who this girl is- a mutual friend- and i hate that when someones not treating him right. that sux.

plus i like him a lot, even if it is just as friends... and i wish i could help him, but theres nothing i can do that he couldnt do for himself-besides be there for him as a friend to talk to.

so a side note, when im talking to him i feeling all light headed and dizzy, and so nauseated, and its distracting me.... i felt as though i couldnt hold my head up. and i ate and drank plenty today too.. so that wasnt it..

so fast forward 2 hours later and i am leaving work, feeling really out of it,and walking but looking back over my shoulder.. and SMACK i ran right into him! i mean stepped on his feet, chest to chest and everything.. and i was like " Oh im sorry- what an idiot! i wasnt paying attention," so i said- "well i guess you could have used the hug anyways!"

god i am such a dweeb- with absolutely no grace. blah!

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