Put Your Feet Up

fart bomb (Monday, Jan. 27, 2003)

well another boring day.. i wonder how long i can sit here without scratching and clawing the skin off of my face or pulling handfuls of hair out.. i guess i need to take some paxil.. maybe even up my dose haha this place is really getting to me and i cant stand to walk around here.. i heard from the MAA that the DA has the case and they think they are going to prosecute....i just want him gone... yesterday one of his air depatment buddies yelled at me and called me a ho because i didnt say female on deck loud enough when i walked through the berthing.

Oh and sola and i were trying to get one of my fart bombs to bust off in the upper V during the super bowl and we couldnt so we were walking off with it and i was still fooling with it and it suddenly started to blow up in my hand.. i threw it in a garbage bag in the engineer berthing and all of the sudden it blew up and they knew i did it... but i had to get rid of it. other wise it would have exploded in my hand.. now they hate me and im sure im gonna pay for it someway or another.oh well you win some you lose some...

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