Put Your Feet Up

life is shitty, so why am i happy? (Thursday, Jul. 24, 2003)

i just wanted to say that even though things arent perfect in my life, and some things are going shitty, im having a great week!

for instance:

the best thing that happened:Someone i care about held me a long time and told me that he loved me. its always good to hear.

Something to look forward to: going out with the girls.. i really enjoy my close friends and good times, with something to celebrate.

Funniest: did my impression of Arnold swarzzenegger all day! ALSO: and someone dared me to scream on the mess decks to change it from BET to anything else!and the girls were laughing so hard they cried! im always up for a dare.

Last person i talked to: Rachael, got off a 1-1/2 hour conversation, good laughs, and i realize all my girl friends are going through what i am.

Feeling: really pretty,relaxed,and very lucky, and secure with my self in my life, ITS LIKE A WHOLE DIFFERENT ME!probably last only a couple days!

Listening to: fan gently blowing, and Coldplay Wearing: Red silk underwear Eating: a twinkie Mountain Dew count: 2

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