Put Your Feet Up

wake up & smell the roses (Friday, May. 30, 2003)

well its the end of a week and a begining at the same time. we are going out to sea tommorrow and wont be home for the weekend but we will be out in the middle of the ocean for a few. and then we pull into portland for the rose festival.. now that i think about it .. i cant wait to smell what ive been seeing on t.v all these years.(the roses)

and speaking of waking up to smell the roses...Chad is being an ass. after last week of not wanting to commit to a relationship... we were still going through the process of talking shit out so our friendship is still intact..i was going to loan him some money..like a real loan with a promisary note that spells out the repayment process .

anyway..today i talked to him a little and i was going to figure out when i could come over and we could sign this paper..and so i dont answer the cell phone for like 15 miniutes because i was making a craft projest that was rather messy with my son , and he leaves this message that says something like" well i guess this means you arent going to loan me the money after all. hmm well im not saying that you would go back on your word , but if the shoe fits...." but all in a snotty ;arrogant ,tone....

so im not loaning him the money after all.. its left a sick feeling and it makes it sound like I owe HIM the money or something and obligated to loan it to him. and so i asked him about it and said "well for someone who is asking me to drive way out of my way to give you money ,,, you are sure sounding like a jerk..."

so he says "well i am a dick... im an asshole.. " Like that just excuses his bad behavior.. so i said "well im not cool with dropping off money with out that signed note from you ,,so we can either do it today or when i get back later... or you can suck my dick if you dont like it."

so i decided to say fuck him.. he hasnt done jack shit for me or given a fuck about my feelings so if you read this ever chad ...eat a dick , bitch. next time you want a favor , act like an appreciative human being.

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